Monday, May 26, 2014

Home sweet home!

Well Its been an entire transfer since I've been home! I cant even believe how fast time has flown. You think it flies by on the mission, but it only goes faster once you're home.

The transition has been quite difficult for me. So this post I just wanted to share for all you RSMs out there who may be struggling a little bit. Below is a list of things that has helped me transition.

1. Keep a regular scripture study habit. You'll see its harder then you think when you get home. (Something that has helped me is listening to the Book of Mormon on tape in the car when commuting to work, or listening to it while I get ready in the morning).

2. In-roll in institute and go weekly! Its nice to have something structural and spiritual to go to weekly. This really has helped so much! 

3. Ask for a calling in your ward as quickly as possible and get involved! You can still be a missionary and help those around you.

4. Go out with the missionaries if possible.

5. Attend the temple OFTEN. This has helped me leaps and bounds!

6. Get a job as quickly as possible, and stay busy and pro-active!

7. Go on a shopping spree and get some new jewelry and clothes, you have no clue how much this can help your self esteem!

8. Keep your personal relationship with your Heavenly Father by saying sincere prayers both day and night.

9. Stay in contact with your recent converts and let them know you care. You mean so much to them, and hearing about their progression helps you and brings you the joy you felt on your mission.

10. Dont dwell in the past. Know you served an honorable mission but know you are at a new step in life now, and apply all the things you learned on your mission.

And just remember adjusting takes time!! When I got home I felt so alone and isolated even though loved ones were all around me. Its taken much prayer and productivity for me to slowly adjust. Some days are harder than others, but I just take a day at a time.

Another great suggestion is to read this book. " Tell me about it Sister! A guide for returned sister missionaries" By: Andrea Faulkner Williams. It has a a lot of great ideas in it, including "how to have a relationship with the spirit after returning to how to face those skinny jeans again". ha ha. Lets face it sisters. We can't just wear skirts forever ;)

You can also check out her blog at: for more great tips!

I am forever grateful for my mission, and for the experiences I had. Life changing indeed.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 7 - Last Letter!

Dearest Family,

Wow these past 18 months of my life have been such a life-changing journey for me. I have seen the gospel change people's lives, and in return its changed my own!! General Conference was just what I needed this weekend to help me stay strong in this emotional time.
Some thoughts from my mission president's weekly email..
Another wonderful General Conference of the church has been held.  How many of us can truly affirm they seem to get so much more out of the counsel of  church leaders now while on a mission?  Their words seem to melt in our very souls.  "Live true to the faith," said President Monson in his opening remarks; words to live by.  "Remain steadfast and defend the faith," taught Elder Holland.  "Bless the lives of others," said Elder Rasband of the Seventy.  "Build a foundation now for the whirlwinds of life," proclaimed Elder Anderson of the Twelve Apostles.  President Eyring  reminded us, "Righteousness must be chosen." Other themes coming this weekend:  "Allow the gospel to change you."  "Don't sleep through the restoration."  "Are we the person Heavenly Father wants us to be?" "Truth will always be opposed."  "The Lord is the driver of the team." "Express love to all of God's children." " 'Loads' in life can bless us.  A 'load' is an essential part of happiness." "This life is our four minute testing." "Don't be tagged out. Be persistent." "Be grateful and give thanks to God.  It is purifying.

One talk in particular that stood out to me was President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk from the Sunday morning session when he said, "Endings are not our destiny. There are no true endings, only everlasting beginnings." The Spirit bore witness so strong to me that now the next step in life for me is about to begin. I must take all the things I have learned on my mission and take them home with me, and strengthen those around me throughout my life wherever I may go.

In my Patriarchal Blessing it talks about me sharing the gospel with my friends and family and seeing the gospel expand greatly through my own efforts. I never understood how that would be possible because I never knew how to share the gospel. Now I know how! I know the Lord needed me to serve [a mission] so that I could not only help others but help myself.

I can now say with a surety [that] I know that Jesus is the Christ, that God is in his Heavens, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints IS the Lord's kingdom on the earth today. I know The Book of Mormon is the word of God, and I know that this gospel is what brings utter and complete happiness!
I can't wait to share my stories and memories with many of you!! This weekend was my last MLC. [It was] very emotional for me. I was the only one in the meeting going home, and President had me go up and bare my testimony. I don't ever know how I am going to be ok with taking my name tag off. haha.
One last story for ya'll before I go. We met with C. this week. We met him a month ago and kept running into him on campus. Finally he told us, "wow...ok this must be a sign. God must be wanting to tell me something!" We taught him the restoration and bore testimony on the reality of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. When we asked him if he would read from The Book of Mormon and pray to know if its true at the end of the lesson, he looked down and paused, then said, "Yes, but you know what did it for me, was that Atonement you were talking about." He began to apply it to his own life, when I felt prompted to tell him he can fully access that Atonement as he follows the example of Jesus Christ and is baptized by someone holding the proper priesthood authority of God. He accepted the baptismal date for April 26th! I walked away with so much joy realizing that I won't have many more opportunities to do that, to actually invite someone to come closer to Christ and follow his perfect example by being baptized.
Words cannot describe the gratitude I have for my Savior. I have come to understand the Atonement of Jesus Christ more fully in my life. I am forever grateful that I followed the prompting of the Spirit a year and a half ago to serve [a mission]. I have a lifetime of memories now, and I hope I can continue to bless the lives of others.

This is the testimony that is in me, that I leave with you. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Love ya'll!
Sister Turner

Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31

Dear Family,

This week we had interviews with President. The first thing President says when I walk in is, "so I hear you're terrified of going home!" ha ha. Yup. Maybe just a little. I forget what the real world is like. I have loved being a missionary, but I know the things I have learned I now must apply to the rest of my life! I am so grateful for the lessons and hardships and good times my mission has brought. It's made me a better person for sure!
The women's conference was amazing! We had about 20 girls all go together from the ward. Six of those were recent converts! It was so neat for them to see the sisterhood of the church and the power that comes from women!
We went on exchanges this week, my very last one as a Sister Training Leader. We went to Regal Park, my first area! Oh how things have changed so much! The work is hastening!
C. was baptized! I am so proud of her! Another friend of mine for eternity! Her confirmation blessing was very detailed, and she is going to go far in life! She will be graduating in May and moving for graduate school. She is so happy to know the church will be wherever she goes! It was a special day for sure!

Another tender mercy was that right after her baptism there was another one for another ward. The F. family, a less active family I worked with for 6 months in Regal Park is now in the new ward, fully active, and their 17-year old nephew was getting baptized! Tears filled my eyes when I saw them and they told me the great news! It was such a tender mercy to see them before I went home!
We are teaching D. She is awesome! We contacted her on campus and she brushed us off and wanted nothing to do with us. The very next day we ran into her brother who was waiting for her. When she came out and saw us she apologized for the previous day, and told us she was just having a bad day. We met with her and she told us she is so lost in life, she didn't see or understand why baptism would be important so later that week we gave her a very spiritual church tour! When she walked into the chapel she began to cry and told us she felt like God was wrapping his arms around her and giving her a big hug! She accepted baptism for the 19th! I'm sad that I won't be here for it :( But I am so happy for her!

Love ya'll! See ya next week!

Sister Turner

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 24

Dear Family,

Well as much as the students probably aren't happy about it, I am so glad spring break is over! ha ha. Even though it was pretty dead, we still worked hard and saw some tender mercies this week!
We had zone training this week, and we instructed the church tour again. Its been so neat to hear all the miracle stories of missionaries across the mission using our church tour idea! So cool! 

We went on exchanges this week to Plainview. It was fun to be in a small town again for a day!
I sang in church yesterday for the first time on my whole mission! C.came to church; she is getting baptized Saturday. She has come leaps and bounds! In Relief Society she commented on how grateful she was for us, and that she is a very stubborn person and wasn't looking for anything, but she was so grateful that we didn't give up on her because she didn't realize what she was missing! Tears filled her eyes, and so of course I got emotional too! The love that I have for these people is indescribable!
The highlight of the week though was definitely A.'s baptism!! Exactly a month ago Ganesh was baptized, and Saturday he baptized her! It was a beautiful day! After she came up out of the water she clapped her hands and yelled "yay!' The whole room couldn't help but laugh with joy! It reminds me of the scripture Mosiah 18:11  "And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed; This is the desire of our hearts." 

She is so strong, her family isn't speaking to her because of her decision...But she knows its true and was willing to sacrifice. Her blessing was incredible and because of her example, one day they will come around! These people that are willing to forsake everything for the gospel just increase my testimony of it more and more! I know this is the truth. I know this brings greater joy than anything else!
The work truly is hastening! This ward last year had 8 total baptisms. And this Saturday, Crystal will make the 8th one this year already! So exciting! 

I am SO excited for General Conference in two weeks! May we all go with an open heart and mind, and with questions in mind so we can receive the revelation God would want us to! Love you all!

Sister Turner

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 17

Dear Family,
This week we are focusing on having the faith to find. It's spring break, so campus is pretty dead. We have zone training this upcoming week and are going on exchanges with sisters from Plainview, which is about an hour away, so luckily we will still have some things to keep us busy. 
A. is still set for her baptism this Saturday, when she gets back into town. Ganesh is going to baptize her! They are getting baptized exactly a month apart from each other! So cool!
C. is doing really well! Her baptism is scheduled in 2 weeks. She told us about a dream she had a year ago. She dreamed she died, and she got a second chance, and they told her the things she did in this life would determine which destiny she would get in the next life. So when we taught the Plan of Salvation to her (this was about a month ago) she said it really rang true to her! That's when everything with her started to change. She said she normally never remembers dreams, so she took that as a sign. She is progressing really well, and I am so happy for her! She just didn't know where to find the truth, and now that she has found it she is happier than ever. 
We have a lot of other people with lots of potential, but we are waiting for them to come back from Spring Break. We are working with a lot of less actives who are making leaps of progress! Its so exciting and rewarding to be a small part in their lives.
Just as my setting apart blessing said, "I will make friends for a lifetime", and I definitely have seen that. They will be eternal friends. 
We had a Haboob (a dust storm) this week! It was pretty intense! Those are always fun... ha ha. 
I have been continuing to study the Atonement a lot this week. It seriously is changing my outlook on so many things!
I love you all! Have a great week!

Sister Turner
Sister Turner and Sister Barlow with the office missionaries, The Turners and the Barlows! Small world!

Texas Pride

March 10

Dear Family,

The church tour I got to give at MLC was an incredible experience! I had missionaries telling me after the spirit was as strong as it is in the temple, which was a huge complement! I was so honored that President Augustin asked me to do that. 

M's baptism was great! President and Sister Augustin got to come to support us! M went to church down in Midland this weekend where her family is from, and she said already her family is softening, and she can see how the gospel will spread in her family starting with her! She was one of those who was so prepared and ready; we just had to take a little effort to find her.

A member who was in her Spanish class referred us to her. He told us her boyfriend was LDS and that she took the lessons from missionaries 2 years ago in high school, but because she was under 18 her mom never let her get baptized. He asked us if we could give him a card so she would have our number. We never heard back though, so we knew we needed to take it to the next step. We texted the member and asked if we could run into them after class on campus and he could just let us know when they were getting out. We introduced ourselves to her and now 2 weeks later she is a member of the Church! The Lord puts people into our paths who are so prepared. All it takes is a little effort on our part.
Teaching at M.'s baptism

M.'s baptism
This week we had another experience like that! We were teaching a lesson in the library when this random guy came up to us and asked us where he could get one of the Restoration pamphlets we had sitting there on the table. We told him we could give him one, which we did and also included our card. We were in the middle of a lesson though, so we couldn't do much more than that.  So after the lesson we knew we had to find this guy! We looked all over the library and finally found him! We asked him for his number and set up an appointment with him, and yesterday we got to teach him! His name is A. He is from central Africa and is SO prepared. He is looking to put God closer in his life, and is trying to make his priorities right. When we asked him if he would read and pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true, he replied. "It would be a pleasure!" Again the Lord truly just places people in our path, if we just take that little effort to find them!

A is still set for baptism for the 22nd. She is progressing leaps and bounds! This week she came to know that she has a Savior and that the Book of Mormon is true. She told her mom of her decision to be baptized who is devout in the Hindu faith. Her mom wasn't too happy about it, but A. said she is going to go ahead with it anyway! These young adults truly strengthen my faith! She even fasted yesterday that her family would soften. Ganesh will have the opportunity to baptize her and he passed the sacrament yesterday at church :)

C is set for baptism for the 29th as well. She knows its true. The only hold up with her is she only works on the weekends and its her only way of income. She can only go to the first hour of church in the family ward, but she comes to all the activities and has the fellowship in the YSA ward. So we are just trying to figure out which ward would be best for her to get baptized in. 
We found another investigator this week, M. He told us at the end of the lesson we motivated him to read the Book of Mormon! He dated a girl 2 years ago who was LDS and used to go to church with her and her family sometimes and already had a Book of Mormon, so some seeds have already been planted for him too. 
This week I have been studying a lot on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It's something we can't ever truly comprehend, but wow has my relationship with my Savior been strengthened since I have been out on my mission. I have seen people change and come clean through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and it's something we need to use daily! It's why everything is the way it is, because of the Atonement of Jesus Chirst.

My companion and I were talking about the Book of Mormon in studies today. That book truly has a new meaning to me, a new light! I am addicted to it! ha. I cannot believe there are people out there who haven't even read it. They are missing out! I just have this fire of wanting to share it with everyone so they can experience the joy that I have!

Love you all!

Sister Turner

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3

Dear Family,

So this week we got an unknown phone call. And guess who it was!? Kirk Henderson, the wide receiver for BYU. He called us telling us about a friend of his who plays ball here at Tech University. He wants us to start working with him. We have had multiple people from out of state in the past couple weeks call us with referrals. It's so neat to see how the work truly is hastening and how people are getting INVOLVED. If anything, that is the one thing I have really learned on my mission! We must get involved, we must be proactive, we must fulfill our callings. The work is hastening, so we might as well be a part of it!
M. should be getting baptized this Saturday! Please keep her in your prayers, the only thing that may be holding her back is her parents...She is amazing though. She has such a light about her already, and she knows it's the right thing to do.
G. received the priesthood on Sunday and I got to sit in when he got it! It was such an incredible experience! His best friend is preparing for baptism, and he will have the opportunity to baptize her, so its all just really exciting! I love seeing how just one person can make the difference for many!
Sister Barlow, my companion is awesome! We make a good team. We are trying to give our all and work really hard. We got 11 new investigators this week, a couple of those seem really solid, so we are excited! We had 3 investigators at church, and we are just trying to talk to as many people as possible.
The weather is really starting to get to me. Saturday it was 89 degrees, and then yesterday it reached a high of 23 degrees. This back and forth stuff is killing me. ha ha. But somehow I still stay happy even though I hate the cold. I must be a missionary! ;)
I will be teaching at MLC again this Friday. I will be giving the group of Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders a church tour role play. We start exchanges this week as well. So we are staying super super busy!
I have glimpses throughout the day of holding back tears...It's hard for me to know I have to face the real world again very soon. I will never forget the experiences of my mission. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to serve, to be so consumed of the spirit and the gospel on a regular basis. I know I will miss that. I know this gospel is true.

I love each and every one of you!
Sister Turner